Covington Conversation

We are looking forward to zoom-hosting our local state representatives, senators, and city managers. Be on the lookout for their answers to these topics.

  • Topics 
    • Georgia as a swing state 
      • Roots of this this phenomenon
      • Impacts 
      • Predictions moving forward 
    • Elections
      • Obstacles
        • COVID 
        • In general 
      • Efforts to Increase Voter Turnouts
        • What are some initiatives representatives/government officials doing to increase it?
      • Voter Suppression 
        • Role it will play
        • How to combat it 
        • The roots of the problem
        • Updates 
        • 2020 Election 
      • Legislation we should know about 
        • Overview  
      • Election Day as a Holiday
        • Emory’s petition 
        • Proposed and pending bill from January 
        • Going forward  
      • Ossoff-Perdue
        • Impact of this election 
        • General discussion 
        • Negative ads
      • COVID 
        • Mail-in voting and safety measures for in-person voting  
  • Systemic Racism 
  • BLM Protests 
  • Police reform
  • Statue in Covington 
    • Statues in General
    • Removal 
    • Source of tension  
  • Race Relations  
  • COVID: 
    • How they will reliability to their constituents during these times
    • Economic relief for COVID 
    • How to support their citizens long-term post-COVID
    • Mandating masks
    • Supporting hospitals/medical workers/essential workers
    • Continuing the school year 
      • DFCS 
      • Narrowing application time frame 
    • How they have been attending 
    • Update on public school cases
      • College and high school 
  • Improving transportation 
    • Resources and reliability
    • Plans to improve Marta  
  • Georgia film industry
    • Economic stances 
    • Will local government be accommodating to producers
      • “Heart Beat” Bill impacts and Kemp updates 

Interested in attending? We got the zoom link here!

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 657 114 1122

Passcode: tcv

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