New Year’s Resolutions

Back at it again, but this time refined.

For the past six months, we’ve all ran blind. No one knew what was up in the world. Let alone us starting a nonprofit with a broad focus and turning it into a successful podcast. It’s been complicated and messy and confusing and fun. Still, throughout the turmoil we refined things here at The College Voter to put forward our best foot.

We’re here for you. All of this work, is to put forth some intangible creation that betters the world. It’s always been our goal to have one person become more open to talking about ~scary~ politics, and that person can speak to another person, who speaks to another person, and so on and so forth.

With COVID, (yes we are sick of referring to it as well), our worlds became smaller. We looked to our screens for everything, and it became exhausting to stare into the virtual void. We understand that. So, hopefully our podcast can loop you in to speaking again. Our events can loop you in. Meeting college students, listening to our podcast, and having you on our show will liven up the mood.

You’ve given us much support, more than we could have ever hoped for, and for that. Thank you. We’re glad to keep you around and to keep going strong.

Therefore, before I dwaddle off anymore, our New Year’s Resolutions:

  • write content for you daily. Whether it be political commentary or my stream of consciousness, it’s important to be heard.
  • The College Voter Talks weekly – for all you political junkies out there, this is the podcast for you. We have a liberal, a conservative, and an independent on a podcast. No, we don’t yell at each other
  • Guest episodes once a month – this is your chance to be on our podcast to talk about your passions. We want to form a community, generate energy, and you’re pivotal to this resolution.
  • Gary. – Valerie’s father… For those who don’t know the Cella family. It’s a chaotic, Italian household. Gary is a well established business consultant who started with little means. From Long Island Italian to Radio Show Host to Stay-At-Home Dad to Business Consultant, he’s done a lot to earn his notoriety. He’s the type of guy that makes you laugh hysterically for hours on end. He captivates any room he walks in, and honestly he can speak politics. Val’s and Gary’s dynamic is interesting to say the least, but it’ll give you a good chuckle for the day. We at The College Voter wanted to gift him a platform for our Intergenerational Talks because the divide is not just ideological but generational as well. So, good luck to Val for that.

That’s that. Our resolutions. Simple and exciting. Looking forward to producing the content and getting it out to you as well.

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