Right-wing Twitter is so hilariously mad at Republicans

A Twitter user who uses the name “Catturd” is one of Elon Musk’s favorite right-wing accounts. His public adoration has helped to boost Catturd to nearly two million followers on the otherwise dwindling social media platform.

As with much of the conspiracy right, Catturd has been having a rough one lately, what with his hero Donald Trump facing multiple indictments (and Hunter Biden facing none), Republicans losing elections, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy failing to deliver on his pie-in-the-sky promises, and President Joe Biden racking up a big win in the debt ceiling hostage negotiations.

Now Catturd is losing it over that Fox News interview where Bret Baier eviscerated Donald Trump. Ultimately, he summarizes his frustrations in this one handy tweet, giving us insight into the conspiracy right’s current state of mind:


Let’s dig into these more deeply. 

RELATED STORY: Fox News’ Bret Baier eviscerates Donald Trump

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