A partial list of things people screaming about cancel culture want to cancel

“I’m boycotting so many things, I’m running out of things to boycott,” a Newsmax guest said Friday morning in a segment accompanied by the chyron, “Critics rip ‘Barbie’ as ‘anti-man.’” It’s no wonder if a little boycott fatigue is setting in on the right when you consider the cancellation binge they’ve been on in recent months.

“Barbie” is the target of a Fox News tantrum thanks to its subversive gender politics—words I still cannot believe I’m typing—and the casting of a trans actress as a doctor Barbie. Ben “how did this loser get to be anyone’s thought leader anyway?” Shapiro is busy whipping up anti-”Barbie” sentiment. And even if one of the guests wasn’t fully on board, Newsmax is obviously committed to the bit as well. These are all the very same people who scream about “cancel culture” any time the expression of racism or assorted other bigotry leads to the mildest consequences for one of their own, centering their politics around canceling commercial products whenever there’s a lull in their ability to come up with new attacks on Hunter Biden.

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