Want to nuke a GOP majority in a key legislature? Here's how we do it

The New Hampshire House was never supposed to be this close—not after a fresh round of Republican gerrymandering, and certainly not after the red wave that was supposed to crash down on us in November. But a funny thing happened: In spite of everything, Democrats flipped a dozen seats last year to whittle the GOP’s majority down to the smallest in state history.

Now, a vulnerable Republican seat has become vacant—and that means Democrats can strip away that GOP majority and force the chamber into an exact tie. That’s why Daily Kos is proudly endorsing progressive stalwart Hal Rafter in the Sept. 19 special election for Rockingham County’s 1st District.

Rafter came extremely close to winning this seat last year, falling just 25 votes short of victory—less than two-tenths of a percent of the total vote. But that’s not the only reason he’s the perfect choice for this go-round. Rafter is a dedicated public servant who has served on his town’s governing board and school board. He’s a vocal advocate for reproductive rights, including the right to an abortion. He’s committed to protecting and improving public education. And as an avid outdoorsman, he knows we must address climate change if we’re to safeguard our environment.

Donate $5 today to help Hal Rafter deliver a crushing defeat to the New Hampshire GOP!

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