Fox News doesn’t think an attempted coup counts as a crime

The good news and the bad news is that Donald Trump’s newest absurdity of an attorney, Republican pundits, and Republican elected officials have all settled on what they believe Donald Trump’s only defense against attempting to nullify the results of a U.S. presidential election might be. That should simplify things.

Oh, but the defense they’ve decided on is that Donald Trump had a “free speech” right to try to rig a joint session of Congress by crafting fraudulent slates of electors that were to be smuggled into the room and presented by then-Vice President Mike Pence. See, none of it counts as a crime if you believe in your heart that you should be allowed to overthrow the government for funsies.


I swear our discourse is getting stupider by the f–king minute, so let’s break this down in terms that even somebody hired by Fox Freaking News can understand.

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