For my peers that prefer links to voting organizations rather than State Guides, here’s four organizations that actively engage voters and help them register to vote:

Vote 411, brought to you by the League of Women Voters’ Education Fund provides voter registration, voting information for everything from polling information to absentee voting and information about upcoming debates

Love music? Head Count empowers young Americans to vote by harnessing the power of music and culture. You can register to vote at their upcoming concerts and events like NYC Queer Liberation March, DFW Pride for #Blacklivesmatter, and more all listed on their website.
As a concert goer myself, I find Head Count’s work incredible. Their unique approach enables people to approach voting through a more fun, energizing lens. You can register online at their website while finding volunteer information, polling place information, voter ID rights, and when the upcoming elections are.

To my college students, Campus Vote Project works to increase voting on college campuses specifically.
Their statewide resource guide lists all the information needed for voter registration through their website. It includes information and links to help you on your way to vote.

U.S. Election Assistance Commission
This pdf is a one stop source for every state. Though lengthy, it lists detailed instructions with State Instructions, in addition to information about what to write in each Box of the application. You only need to print out one Voter Registration Application and mail it to the state’s listed address.
For those who have to mail in ballots, but don’t know where to start, This is a great source for you as it lists your state’s full information in one document.