My Boulder

So it’s late. Past 9 P.M. I cannot sleep though. Work has yet to stop.

 In my mind though, thousands of questions continuously swirl. How will we stay connected with each other? Am I attending university this fall? How can I efficiently dedicate my time to The College Voter? How do I increase the presence online? What paperwork do I need to complete today? What time will the clock display when I lay my head down to rest?

A part of me does not want all this work to stop. Our power comes from our potential. And the potential of The College Voter is expansive. It HAS to be more. It must be more. I will not dissipate with simply two events for the fall. I must fight for this to work.

Have you ever given up your entire being because you believe in the cause so much? give up your nights, your days. Keep up your thoughts, your intellect. It has not been until this moment where I finally feel the weight of The College Voter – in a good way though. The weight of the potential. The weight of the future. The weight that I want to carry, because it means I am on the right track.

This article is raw. My raw emotion. Not through poetry or song, but through what I do best. Speaking. Communicating. Furthermore, this is a reminder, you can do whatever you set your mind to. However, be prepared for a little successes every day, for our world was not crafted in one day.

Fight as hard as you can, daily. And with every success, celebrate it. But do not dwell. Use it to push you forward until the next.

My little successes, enable me to see the little pebbles to a much greater view. The little pieces of a bigger view leading to Lord knows where. But I know it will bring me somewhere. With every step I take with The College Voter. I continue to have faith in the mission. I continue to believe I’m doing this for a purpose, that’s greater than myself. I continue to believe that I can change even just one life, get one person to vote, get one person to reach out to the other side, then it is all worth it. But I don’t want it to stop there. I am grateful for every success, I wish with us to manifest, and to this beautiful current that flows alongside our generation. that is my goal. That is my heart. That is my internal question. How do I push the rock down the road?

Therefore, on the starry night as I lay my head down for the day. I ask you this question. What is your boulder ?

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