Tell CU Boulder to Investigate Discrimination Complaints in their Greek Life

  • Maddie Solomon

I wanted to take the time to encourage you to sign a petition I recently made a few days ago. I’m back in Denver and looking at the excellent institution CU Boulder is known to be — and was dismayed to see that the administration has not been more responsive to discriminatory incidents that have recently surfaced in their Greek life, including black face, homophobia, ableism, and racial slurs directed at marginalized communities on campus. 

As someone who has grown up in Colorado my whole life, is deeply committed to civil rights, and is also part of Greek life on my campus, I simply didn’t feel comfortable staying silent on this matter. 

Please join the voices of people across the country who have signed so far — including CU Boulder students, alumni, faculty, and others in Greek life on their own college campuses — to help get 1,000 signatures by the end of the week and present it formally to their administration. 

We are calling on CU Boulder to do a thorough investigation of Greek life on campus which have repeated discrimination complaints and unequivocally condemn the behavior of predominately white fraternities and sororities on campus who have made their peers feel unsafe. 


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