The Digestable Headlines

Washington D.C. Becomes Hotbed of Coronavirus –

President Trump was diagnosed with COVID and transported to a local military hospital. En route doctors administered a trial drug in current late stages of experimentation. People presume he was worse-off than originally reported as Frist Lady Melania was not transferred to the hospital and only experienced mild symptoms. Since then, President Trump has left the hospital for a public conference. This comes at the conclusion of a string of positive results from Republican Senators, who recently visited the Rose Garden for a recent Presidential event. In the coming week we will see the spike of coronavirus originating from D.C., as senators travel back to their home states, politicians interact with wide ranges of people. To cover their tracks, all presidential campaign events will be done virtually. Little too late.

Washington D.C. (also) Becomes Hotbed of Kindergartners

If you watched the last presidential debate then you know how complicated our politics are. The overbearing interruptions, the unprofessional demeanor, the polarization of Republican and Democrats, within each party as well, demonstrate the divide our nation faces. It’s become a dog-show, a school classroom, a form of entertainment… not a Presidential Debate. Though many comments emerged stating the loser was the American public, I say the winner was whoever decided the candidates should not shake hands, for when this was recorded it is probable President Trump was positive for Covid. If both candidates received Covid, it would be a duel like no other.

After this debate, new regulations are expected to emerge to better mediate the debates. We’ll see.

Early Voting Begins

Club organizations are prepared to help others register to vote, vote early, and be engaged with the upcoming election. In less than one month, the world will brace for a new future no matter who wins. The College Voter taking an international stance here – American politics implicate the world. Our chaos breeds more chaos, for international policy, dovish or warhead policy, diplomacy, international relations, etc. are dictated by our President. When voting, we encourage all voters to take into account international politics. How do you want the world to look like.

Find your early voting places here

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