By Lousheen Dalmao Credit: The Myriad News
Lousheen Dalmao explains the attempts of different countries in confronting their colonial pasts.
There are various ways in confronting the colonial pasts; despite each country having differences in dealing dilemmas, we can’t deny the fact that there are methods which can be applicable for them too. And we need to focus on those methods in order to strengthen it.
Supremacy is practiced by colonialism
Colonialism was already in practice preceding to the information age. It is a powerful and dangerous practice, and once it becomes abusive, colonialism will impact more than one aspect of a nation’s foundation. The longer it stays, the more destructive it gets. According to “An Introduction to Global Studies“, “There was a historic peace that occurred in 1648 called Peace of Westphalia where it was marked as the first time that many European leaders came together to recognize one another’s territorial sovereignty.
The nation-state system emerged in seventeenth-century Europe. Colonialism contributed to the spread of the nation-state system from Europe to the rest of the world. Today, the nation-state system is thedominant social, political, and economic system on the planet. Since it faces a variety of challenges, the contemporary nation-state have begun to erode its primacy and become adaptive to establish better results.”
Colonialism proved to be very cruel towards the indigenous peoples, bringing about slavery, brutality and death. Other aspects that would inevitably be affected include the nation’s culture, economy, land, politics and religion. Since colonialism had a role when operating in certain places, citizens tend to live with it, but out of fear; in various aspects of a person.
Lack of equality resists the urge to create changes
There are also groups of citizens who disapprove this kind of method and scheme different acts of resistance. These groups are the reason why changes occur. They became the hope of the nation which is a risky position to put oneself into. Those hopes of the nation are able to instill hope through amplifying the voices of the weak to support in strengthening the acts of the bold and be a good example by being righteous to influence fellow citizens in all aspects, physically and emotionally.
In a modern world, there may be some who can’t help but ask: Does colonialism still exist in the 21st century? The answer to that is yes, it still exists. According to the Medium article written by Megan Caldwell, she stated that there are some nations that still experience colonialism.
Encountering Colonialism has advantages and disadvantages
Citizens who are exposed to the acts of colonialism are bearing a heavy burden, for it is not easily abolished and will definitely leave marks from within. The good and bad of what colonialism had may be multitudes, but the fact that it creates many disadvantages to the society can never be dismissed. You must commentate on this issue through conducting discussions to people with different walks of life.
In order to be able to provide reassurance in establishing resolution to those who are experiencing it firsthand. It is important to confront the dangers of the extremities of colonialism. With the ongoing and resurfacing issues that we currently face, it is essential to be mindful on both sides of the oppressor and the oppressed that had greatly influenced the issues faced during colonialism. It allows you to ponder carefully about why your recent culture is what it is today.
The colonizers and the colonized have had gains from each other but what differs is the way they attain those gains and influences to one another contain merits and demerits no matter what point of view you scan. Some of the merits initially aims to enhance the mother country by making it prosperous through the wealth of colonies the colonizers established.
Then, it creates unity among the citizens of the colony for they are being under the methods of the mother country that would result them to go against their colonizer and take back what belonged to theirs. Lastly, the growth of industries of the mother country are possible with the help of what the colony has to offer wherein colonies will receive salaries.
The disadvantages of colonialism is always far more than its advantages. The demerits of it include having constant wars between the mother country and the native leaders which will lead to another demerit like slavery. Lastly, colonies will experience shortage of supplies on their resources as well.
Despite each country having differences in dealing with dilemmas, we can’t deny the fact that there are methods which can be applicable for them too. We need to focus on those methods in order to strengthen it. Never forget to respect the differences since it will be a guide as to not offend anyone during the process in helping the oppressed.
Filling in the gaps of confrontation with reverence
European colonizers were considered to be the most powerful. It is already part of the human history and you must have some perception regarding it for deeper understanding to such acts.
One of the most crucial ways to confront such concerning circumstance is for them to come to terms regarding their pasts, dedicate an ample amount of time to accept fault, contemplate often on things learned, try to learn the value of differences and to understand the significance of diversity. Despite a country being considered as progressive, citizens in that country must not stop acquiring new knowledge for an ever-changing society. Each must draw a line of inclusion instead of creating a line of division, especially to the marginalized.
It is essential to make time in helping others understand your world by allowing them to have access on those aspects where there were conflicts or are sensitive between your country to theirs. Such way may assist people to be able to exercise some crucial ways of confrontation. Being open-mined is also a significant factor that establishes numerous opportunities in helping the colonized on the road of liberation and the colonizers to examine offensive principles. Educating them might fill in the gaps of doubts and curiosities.
Afrophobia is rampant to European states and also worldwide. Such discrimination is dehumanizing. This notion is currently ongoing and being resurfaced, posing a challenge to those that are being affected. It is already a burden to various countries so instead of adding weight it is best to heed and help unload the pressure it bears.
In fact Europe did gain a lot in the colonization of Africa, mainly for economic, political and religious reasons. Recently, you see on different social media platforms a lot of European artists who are taking proactive approaches by using what they have to help spread awareness. Despite social media being an echo chamber, lots of artists from different industries are using different platforms to heighten awareness about Afrophobia. Many people became inspired, because of such acts.
Different organizations are being established as an important tool in reaching out to different people across the globe. People start and continue into donating their money for a good cause and at the same time, learning more about the issue through these organizations. Those kinds help will surely be beneficial for everybody and will help improve your health.
You need to prolong the momentum and continue to empower each other. Empowerment is a key tool in confrontation. To confront sordid colonial pasts, people need more voices. It will help amplify the outcries of the past brought today. It is also helpful to consider the state of our individual spirituality. A healthy and sound lifestyle can sometimes be an asset and a liability. Your spiritual side greatly influences the way you perceive things. Never overlook those parts that would be beneficial to a whole.
There were always numerous things to consider when we face confrontations of colonial pasts, each can do little things they possibly can and staying silent would be the worst resort. It is an arduous journey to face confrontations but crucial to take if you truly want to understand how great the effects of colonization had changed many lives. Various sources are available might be soft or hard copies; it is your initiative to do something to help contribute in making long-time changes.