Democrats potential to flip the Senate
As early elections take hold, democrats have the upper hand in flipping the Senate. Typically, the opposing political party has a better chance of obtaining the seats necessary if the administration contrasts the opponents. Meaning, a republican president will enable m=democrat candidates to have more speaking content, therefore being more engaging for voters, and more likely to appeal to voters. Nearly every year the Congress and Administration did not politically align, for a myriad of reasons yes, but psychologically I do contribute part of the dichotomy to the minority party of that time speaking against the actions of their Administration. It’s easier to refute, to debate, than to collaborate on issues.

Connecting to today, we see over 30 senatorial elections play out, with experts labeling 8 elections as either Toss-Ups or complete flips. If this occurs, Democrats will hold the Senate once again with an increasing momentum going into 2021. If the presidential election results in President Trump remaining in office and the Senate turning blue, we predict the complete standstill of policy will surmount. Tensions would be as high as ever, and the American people ultimately would suffer. Nonetheless, this year is not unique to other years when the Congress differs politically than the Administration. The Congress is fundamentally a separate branch of government, one of the three pillar that make this country balanced, and therefore has every right to control legislative agenda, budget, and judicial confirmations, which leads us to the next point.
Amy Barrett faces day 2 of confirmation hearing
The biggest takeaways as Amy Barrett faces her confirmation hearings…. What line separates Church and State. As a Catholic myself, I find the line clearly. My religion shall not implicate my politics. Though traditionalists may view the Bible as one way, and as Catholics we are obliged to promote the Will of God, that should not have any standing in legislation to implicates millions of individuals. The biggest point, the Bible may say life starts in the womb, however, that same morality rings that we are all guided by a higher being that loves us no matter what. That morality that sings praise to support and love everyone regardless of their pasts. That morality that reminds me I am not to dictate what others do. My job is no to judge but to follow how I view the religious teachings.

Therefore, with Amy Barrett extending her version of the same religion to potentially reverse Roe v Wade terrifies young women throughout the nation. The idea that one woman who may or may not religiously agree with you using her religion to take away other women’s autonomy. We are not in The Handmaid’s Tale by any means, but the traditionalist values and lack of bodily autonomy holds semblance to the literature.
Taking into other related topics, the Senatorial Democrats hold no punches during Barrett’s confirmation hearing. One senator explicitly asking Barrett if she has ever assaulted another person before. Another asking about her past statements about abolishing ACA, Obamacare, and Voting Rights.
Barrett has responded well and concisely. She is an educated woman with an immense educational and professional background. Nonetheless, with that background comes curiosity about her reasoning behind siding with the minority during Kanter v. Barr that disagreed with the current prohibition of ex-felons possessing firearms.
We must give the Honorable Barrett credit though. As a full time working mother, that holds weight. For the same amount of potentially concerning commentary, she has made an equal amount of respectable statements. Her honoring of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Her opinion that the court should not make policy but rather focus on the Constitution. Her ability to provide newer ideas that better represent the 40s-50s American population.
No one could ever be a perfect fit for the position. However, we must take into account all sides of the Honorable Barrett while considering her nomination, for if nominated, will impact us for a generation.
Voting in Celebrity

Celebrities have taken to the voting stage to voice their opinions. One celebrity even breaking law to encourage her voters to engage civically. The encouragement is one we need. From every avenue Americans should be faced with reminders to vote. Nonetheless, we urge all celebrities promoting voting to provide resources as well, not just he clickbait. First time voting can be complicated, especially for college students, so without the proper resources made available, absentee ballots become lost in the mail, people accidentally register for two states, the wrong address is used, all resulting in voting complications. Especially for this upcoming election, the last issue we need is people being denied at the polling sites.