
The College Voter is a nonprofit formed in 2020. We share news sources from bipartisan platforms to expose various opinions and promote respectful political conversation  Among Voters from College and Beyond.

This empowers them to facilitate open conversation across college campuses and communities , collaborate with politically active club organizations and works to communicate, educate and provide resources for college voters of All Ages, race and gender.

We’re nonpartisan and as such especially in this hyper political environment our board members have requested anonymity. Anytime someone who’s political leanings have precluded the consideration of another point of view has been breached.. we consider that a success. Most people realize they have more in common than they ever thought…..we want to continue to foster that belief

As you explore the political spectrum, reviewing all opinions and policies, people  may find a Common ground.

We are  The College Voter, Inc., exempt under IRC Section 501c(3) classified under a Public Society Benefit group  (citizen participation) , registeried in CT.

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