As top Republican group backs sedition, Home Depot, UPS and other companies still provide support

The Republican Attorneys General Association is a tax-exempt political group backing, as the name implies, Republican state attorneys general. They collect funding from corporate sponsors and from far-right judicial saboteur Leonard Leo’s array of big-money activist groups. Since the Jan. 6 coup attempt, the association has also been teetering closer to the edge of openly supporting sedition than perhaps any other top-level Republican campaign organization.

Despite aggressive backing of both Donald Trump’s completely farcical election fraud claims and Republican state officials’ attempts to nullify Trump’s the 2020 U.S. presidential election based on the hoaxes, an array of top U.S. corporations continue to back the group. A new ProPublica story dives back into that swamp to find that it’s a list of the usual corporate sponsors and, as always, the whole thing stinks of political crookedness from top to bottom.

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