Black Music Sunday: A-tisket, a-tasket, a mix of genres make up this musical Easter basket

It’s Easter Sunday, it’s spring, and April is also Jazz Appreciation Month! Lots of things are going on at the same time, so there’s a real mix of music swirling around in my head.

Though I no longer believe in bunnies who bring chocolate eggs, I do think fondly of the sweets-filled baskets I received as a kid. As soon as I think about the word “basket,” related to Easter or not, I immediately hear Ella Fitzgerald’s voice in my head, singing her 1938 hit tune “A Tisket, A Tasket,” so that’s where I’m starting today, before I let her lead us to the other music in today’s gift basket.

RELATED STORY: It’s April in jazzland and spring is in the air

Black Music Sunday is a weekly series highlighting all things Black music. With over 150 stories (and counting) covering performers, genres, history, and more, each featuring its own vibrant soundtrack, I hope you’ll find some familiar tunes and perhaps an introduction to something new.

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