Cheers and Jeers: Rum and Coke FRIDAY!

Late Night Snark: Spring 2013 Flashback Edition

With the late-night shows on hiatus during the writers strike (Boooo, evil studio heads. Booooo!!!), C&J pries open the time capsule circa 10 years ago, when the second half of the Obama-Biden era was in full swing. Here’s what was happening…

“The NRA this week elected a new president, choosing Alabama lawyer Jim Porter, who recently referred to Attorney General Eric Holder as ‘rabidly un-American,’ and still calls the Civil War the ‘war of northern aggression.’ He’s known around the NRA as Reasonable Jim.”
—Seth Meyers

“According to a new survey, white Americans are more likely to see President Obama as angry than black Americans. After hearing about it, Obama got really angry, according to white Americans.”
—Conan O’Brien


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