Cheers and Jeers: Tuesday

C&J 2023 Fundraiser Update

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to keep Cheers & Jeers alive and kickin’ for another unspecified period of time yesterday. The cajole-a-thon is off to a fine start.

When Kos first emailed me back in 2005 about moving C&J from the diaries to the front page, he caught the gist of it well when he said it would serve as a breezy morning wake-up column. Easy to skim through, political but nothing too deep. A good way—along with the Abbreviated Pundit Roundup elves who post before us—to plant your feet on the ground and get your neurons up-shifted from a foggy shuffle to a brisk jog.

If you’d like to own a piece of my (gluten-free, non-acidic, but definitely made in a facility that processes nuts) soul for 2023, here are the various options via PayPal:

One time contribution: click here.

$5 monthly contribution: click here

$10 monthly contribution: click here

$20 monthly contribution: click here

Snail mail and thrilling conclusion below the fold…

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