Ron DeSantis’ Iowa bus tour is a sad (but hilarious) spectacle

Oh, readers. I’ve been trying to write a post updating you all on the state of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ Iowa bus tour, I really have. I’ve been trying for days, even. DeSantis, prickly misanthrope whose every smile looks like he practiced it in a mirror using a badly taxidermied squirrel as his reference model, is currently tooling around Iowa. On a bus.

I have tried so hard, but at this point it almost feels like punching down. It feels like picking on a child. And sure, the child is the meanest son of a hamster you’ve ever seen, a bully and a fascist whose only friends are rich-as-snot real estate tycoons and random Florida Nazis. This is a child who arranges for desperate migrant families to be dumped off on random street corners because he thinks it would be funny. But still.

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