The whack-a-doodle—and dangerous—intentions of GOP hopefuls

It really is a race to the bottom over on the Republican side of the 2024 presidential campaign. Don’t look to them for any idea of hope and change and a society that can hold together for longer than one or two more generations. Nope, with that crew it is all pain all the time for someone. Only a few—the usual rich, well connected, and primarily white people—will be allowed nice things. For the rest of us, it seems to be an experiment in finding the most creative, brutal, and maximalist ways to punish us.

Ron DeSantis is trying to out-fascist Donald Trump. The two agree on ending the birthright citizenship created in the 14th Amendment and any other anti-immigrant proposal they can come up with. We’re just a spiral or two away from a proposal to impose the death penalty for illegal immigration. DeSantis also wants to scrap Trump’s criminal justice reforms, but apparently so does Trump. They’re both calling for the death penalty for drug offenders.

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